It's been called many things, but never 'popular.' Whether you know it as a mileage tax or SANDAG's more euphemistic term, "Road Usage Charge" (RUC), this recent model put forth as a new means of revenue generation for the government (at three different levels, but more on that in a bit) is problematic on several fronts. Here is a short intro to 'RUC 101':


WHAT Is a 'Road Usage Charge'?: Per SANDAG ... "A road usage charge is a “user pays” system where drivers pay to maintain the roads based on how often they drive, rather than the current system that relies on how much gas is purchased. Under a road usage charge, drivers share roadway maintenance and repair costs more fairly based on usage." [Source:]

WHERE Will This Happen? While most talk has focused on the local RUC being put forth by SANDAG, there are actually three levels being discussed and moved forward: our local one in San Diego county; a statewide one in California; and a national RUC at the federal level.


HOW Will It be Implemented?: As usual, the devil's in the details. Possibilities include:


  • Vehicle odometer reading

  • Proprietary algorithms that use the vehicle’s OBD-II port (car’s brain)

  • Data transfer and processing through the vehicle telematics

  • Through your vehicle insurance company systems

  • “Pay at the pump” (fuel pumps or electric vehicle charge stations)

  • Annual SMOG checks


WHO Will Have to Pay?: As things currently stand, San Diegans will pay, while vehicles from Mexico, out-of-state visitors, and any out-of-county commuters will all get a pass.